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Purchasing Limited Edition Items

At IW2024, we will display and sell items known as one-of-a-kind limited editions. Only customers who agree to and comply with the contents of this page will be able to make purchases.

はじめに Introduction







For the lottery scheduled for Saturday, May 11th at 12 PM, we may adaptively add participation conditions based on staff judgment. In order to allow as many people as possible to participate, we ask those who intend to resell or purchase on behalf of others to refrain from participating.

To confirm that participants do not intend to resell or purchase on behalf of others, we may ask several basic questions. Based on the answers and other factors, we may decide to deny participation in the lottery.

Information about the conditions, including any additions or changes, will be announced as needed. Please make sure to check the participation conditions on the day of the event before coming.

To ensure smooth operations, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in following the instructions of our staff and security.


All updates regarding new lottery rules and announcements will be posted on Miku Emori's official Twitter account.

Follow the link here:

It is the sole responsibility of participants to keep track of any posts related to the rules. We strongly advise you to enable notifications on Twitter to ensure you do not miss any critical updates. Be proactive and stay informed!


注意事項 Important Notices


To protect the privacy of both our staff and customers, the use of smartphones, cameras, and other recording devices is strictly prohibited during the lottery.



For First-Time Lottery Participants


For individuals who do not have customer information on file with us, we may require verification using a driver's license (issued only by the Public Safety Commission or Metropolitan Police Department), a My Number card with a photo, or a document that verifies your current address (such as a utility bill receipt).


抽選方法 Lottery Procedure

  • 5月11日(土)12時よりスタッフが抽選開始の呼びかけを行います。スタッフの指示に従い抽選に参加してください。

  • 抽選結果は12:30にスタッフより発表いたします。当選者様を3回呼びかけても返答がない場合は当選権利は次点の方に移ります。必ず発表時には在場してください。

  • 当選では所有権は移転していません。決済完了時点で所有権移転とさせていただきます。従いまして、当選後30分以内に決済が完了できなかった場合、当選権利は次点の方に移ります。

  • On Saturday, May 11th, starting at 12 PM, our staff will call to start the lottery. Please follow the staff's instructions to participate in the lottery.

  • The results of the lottery will be announced by our staff at 12:30 PM. If a winner does not respond after being called three times, their winning rights will be transferred to the next eligible participant. Please make sure to be present at the time of the announcement.

  • Winning does not transfer ownership. Ownership will be transferred upon completion of payment. Therefore, if payment is not completed within 30 minutes of winning, the winning rights will be transferred to the next eligible participant.


What Can You Buy?

  • その日に販売用意があるものはすべて購入可能です。不明な場合はスタッフにお尋ねください。

Everything available for sale on that day can be purchased. If you have any questions, please ask the staff.


Is There a Limit on the Number of Items You Can Purchase at Once?

  • 抽選参加者がいなかった場合は複数購入が可能です。

  • ​抽選参加者が複数いた場合はお一人様一点のみとなります。

  • If there are no participants in the lottery, multiple purchases are allowed.

  • If there are multiple participants, only one item per person will be permitted.


Will One-of-a-Kind Items Be Reproduced?

  • 一点物として販売されたものを再生産することはございません。ただし、展示中もしくは輸送中などに破損してしまった場合は、購入されたお客様の了承があった上で再生産されます。ただし再生産する場合、破損した製品は当社にて廃棄処理必須とします。

Items sold as one-of-a-kind will not be reproduced. However, if an item is damaged during display or transportation, it may be reproduced with the consent of the customer who purchased it. In the case of reproduction, the damaged product must be disposed of by our company.




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